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Topic - Family analysis

The simplest way to find family types is to use existing variables such as BEFOLKNING_REGSTAT_FAMTYP or BEFOLKNING_REGSTAT_HUSHTYP. This allows you to classify people according to the type of family or household they belong to. Marital status can also be found via the variable SIVSTANDFDT_SIVSTAND.

Parents can be found through the variables BEFOLKNING_FAR_FNR and BEFOLKNING_MOR_FNR, and family/household members through the variables BEFOLKNING_REGSTAT_FAMNR, BEFOLKNING_HUSHNR and INNTEKT_HUSHNR.

But not all types of family constellations are easy to find directly, e.g. married couples/cohabitants/partners, families with children who do not live at home, grandparents etc.

In this collection of examples, methods are shown for finding different types of family constellations, both the simple variants and those you may not necessarily be able to find directly via existing variables.